пятница, 20 марта 2015 г.

Виховний захід з англійської мови на тему: " Cinderella "

 Мета: Підвищення мотивації до вивчення іноземної мови ,розвиток творчих здібностей студентів,комунікативних навичок;художньо-естетичного смаку.
     Обладнання: мультимедійний проектор,костюми,реквізити по сценарію(гарбуз тощо),музичний супровід
      Дійові особи: автор,Попелюшка,мачуха,батько  Попелюшки, дві   сестри,фея,принц,король,паж, глашатай,лорди,леді.
Декорації змінюються за допомогою мультимедійного проектора.На задньому фоні позначається місце дії- палац(зображення зали)та дім Попелюшки(зображення каміну).
В якості музичного супроводу – музика з радянського мультфільму «Попелюшка»(мінус до пісні Попелюшки у викон. Л.Сенчіної) , з мюзиклу «Золушка» (мінус до пісні у виконанні Ю.Мавріної), фрагменти з класичних творів та звукові ефекти 
 Хід проведення:     
Розпочинається вистава зі вступного слова вчителя та підготовленої студентами презентації,яка включає зображення цікавих фрагментів з репетицій,фото дійових осіб,тощо. 
СЦЕНА 1.- кімната в будинку(зображення каміну). Лунає музика з мультфільму «Попелюшка»,запрошуючи глядачів до перегляду вистави.
Narrator. Once upon a time in a fare way land there was a widower who married a proud and haughty woman as his second wife. She had 2 daughters, who were equally vain. By his first wife, he’d had a beautiful young daughter, a girl of unparalleled goodness and sweet temper. Her name was Cinderella.
Cinderella.( підмітаючи підлогу й витираючи пил) Oh, my stepmother and sisters don’t love me. I have to sleep in the dusty fireplace next to the cinders. That’s why they named me Cinderella. They say “Do this and do that!” And I work day and night. I’m so tired!.. I’ll go and have a little rest.
Sister1(їсть цукерки й спостерігає,як Попелюшка прибирає кімнату) А rest indeed! What do you think Mum clothes you for? Just for rest? Now get on with your work. Hurry up!
Sister2 Cinderella! I feel cold! Get me a shawl! Put it round my shoulders! Now get around with your scrubbing!
Stepmother. Oh, my  dear daughters! I have such wonderful news!.. Cinderella, what are you doing here? Have you already cooked meals, scrubbed floors, washed dishes?!!
Sister1 Go away! Don’t stand here! Your clothes look like dirty diapers!
Sister2 Your face looks like a bucket of mud!
Stepmother Go away, stupid. And don’t dare to rest!
Father. Oh, my poor daughter!… They are very horrid to Cinderella! They don’t let her have any nice food or pretty clothes! Her life is awful! She’s only a servant in our home.(Звертається до мачухи) You promised to be a good mother for Cinderella. But now I see you don’t love her, you don’t love me…
(Мачуха та батько виконують  пісню – на мотив «Ти ж мене підманула…»)
Did you promise that on Monday
We will go to the Subway
I have come and you’re not here
What had happened with you, dear? 
You’re my love and you’re my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I’ll forgive
You’re the only I believe
And on Tuesday you suggested
We will travel to Manchester
I have come and you’re not here
What had happened with you, dear?
You’re my love and you’re my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I’ll forgive
You’re the only I believe
And on Wednesday I was hoping
We will come together shopping
I have come and you’re not here
What had happened with you, dear?
You’re my love and you’re my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I’ll forgive
You’re the only I believe
Did you promise that on Thursday
We will go to the birthday
I am here and you are there
What had happened with you and where?
You’re my love and you’re my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I’ll forgive
You’re the only I believe

(Батько Попелюшки поступово відступає під напором мачухи).
Stepmother. Daughters, come here! The King is holding a grand ball in three nights.
Sisters (разом) A ball?!!
Stepmother. A ball. All the ladies in the kingdom are invited. You’ll come and meet the Prince. He’s going to choose a young girl to be his bride.
Sister1.  I’m going to marry the Prince!
Sister2. Why would the Prince marry you? You look like a rotten potato. I’ll become his bride! (починають сваритись).
Stepmother. Dear, you’re both beautiful and clever. Any of you can become Prince’s wife!
Narrator. A few days later King’s messengers set out with the invitations to the ball.
(Звучать фанфари, з’являється глашатай.)
Messenger. (віддає Попелюшці запрошення на бал). Give this to your mistress!
Stepmother. Daughters! Daughters! Look! It’s the invitation to a ball!
Sisters. The invitation! To the ball!
The 1st sister.  Mummy! I’m so happy! We can go there! I want to see the King and his son.
The 2nd sister. Oh, I want to meet the Prince, too. I want to dance with him! I love  to dance!
Stepmother. Well, we must try on our dresses! Cinderella! Where are our dresses?! Why, why can’t you find anything when I ask?!
(Попелюшка приносить вбрання)
Stepmother. Be careful! Don’t spoil it with your dirty hands!
Cinderella. Mother, sisters, please, take me with you.
Sister1. You’ll go to the ball! How wonderful!
Sister2. Ladies, not kitchen-maids, are invited to the ball! Look at your face, look at your clothes! Stay at home in the cinders you belong!
Stepmother.  You have much work to do, stupid. You must think about it. First you must mend socks, clean the spoons, the forks and the knives, cook meals. Then you can go to the ball if you finish all your chores and make yourself a new dress.
Sister1. Oh, well! You can’t go to the ball. Better luck next time.
Sister2. Too bad. The Prince won’t get to see your dirty face.
Stepmother(звертається до дочок):Girls, hurry, the coach will be here in a minute!
Sister1. Cinderella, brush my hair!
Sister2. Cinderella, get my gloves!
Stepmother. Cinderella, where is my fan?! Quickly!.. Oh, I hear the coach!..
(Мачуха та дочки виходять. Звук карети,що від’їхала)
Cinderella. I’m so tired! Now I can rest for a little.(Засинає).
Чути звуки природи (шелест листя,невеликий вітерець,спів пташок).З’являється фея.
Fairy. Wake up, little one!
Cinderella. Oh, who are you?
Fairy.  I am Fairy. I want to help you. Do you wish to go to the ball?
Cinderella. But how?  I have no dress. My face is dirty. I have no way to get to the castle.
Fairy. I know you are diligent and kind, my dear. I will make you as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside. Do as I tell you. Bring me some mice, frogs and a pumpkin.
(Попелюшка приносить мишей,жабенят та гарбуз. Фея торкається їх чарівною паличкою та перетворює мишей на коней, гарбуз на карету,а жабенят – на кучера та лакея. Всі перетворення відображаються за допомогою  проектора)
Fairy. Now everything is ready for you, and it’s time to be off!
Cinderella. But my dress. It’s in rags…And I have no shoes…
Fairy. Bow your head.(Торкається голови Попелюшки паличкою).
Cinderella. Oh, what do I see? A lovely dress and shoes! Thank you, you are so kind! I’m happy now. It’s really fine. How can I thank you?
Fairy. I need no thanks. But remember, you must leave the ball before midnight, for on the last stroke of twelve, the magic will end. The coach will turn back into a pumpkin, the horses will turn back into mice, and your dress will become rags once again.
Cinderella. I’ll remember! Thank you, Fairy. Good-bye.

СЦЕНА 2(зображення зали у палаці)
King. The ball is on. Please dance and play. Let’s have a lot of fun today!
(Присутні на балу танцюють гусарську польку)
Narrator. Cinderella drove to the palace. The Prince himself helped her out of the carriage and let her to the ballroom. (Принц та Попелюшка входять до залу та танцюють полонез)
Lady. Look! Who is this beautiful girl?
Lord1. (звертається до Попелюшки). You’re wonderful! Let me sing for you.(виконує пісню) 
Lord2. You’re unparalleled! What a sweet smile! You’re the dream of my life. (виконує вірш Р.Бернса):
My Love is like a red, red rose,
That’s newly sprung in June:
My Love is like a melody,
That’s sweetly played in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I;
And I will love thee still, my Dear,
Till all the seas gang dry.
Till all the seas still dry, my Dear,
And the rocks melt with the sun;
And I will love thee still, my Dear,
While the sands of life shall run.
And fare-thee-well, my only Love!
And fare-thee-well, a while!
And I will come again, my Love,
Though it were ten thousand mile!
Prince. Will you dance with me, dear girl?
Cinderella. I’m honored, Your Royal Highness.
(Принц та Попелюшка танцюють вальс. Чути звук годинника).
Cinderella. Oh, I’ve forgotten all about time! I’m sorry, dear Prince
I must run!..  Good-bye!
(Попелюшка  поспішає,вона біжить й губить туфельку)
Prince. No, please! Where are you?.. What’s that? This is her sable slipper…I must find this girl! She will be my wife. I swear on my life.
Narrator. The next day the Prince was sadder than ever.
King. Are you weeping for the girl, my son?
Prince. Yes, Father, I want her to be my wife. (читає вірш).
My love is like an ocean
It goes down so deep
My love is like a rose
Whose beauty you want to keep.
My love is like a river
That will never end
My love is like a dove
With a beautiful message to send.
My love is like a song
That goes on and on forever
My love is like a prisoner
It’s to you that I surrender.
King. Send me the Messenger!
Messenger. Yes, Your Majesty.
King. You must find the girl. Cary this sable slipper throughout the kingdom and let any woman try it on. The Prince will marry the one whom it fits.
Messenger. Yes, Your Majesty!

СЦЕНА 3 (будинок Попелюшки)
Messenger. (Звертається до мачухи з дочками) We know you were at the ball. Please, try on this slipper.
Stepmother. Come along, daughters! Put it on!
Sister1 Oh, I can’t get it on! It’s very small.
Sister2 I’ll get it on…Get out of my way!.. Oh, my toes!..
Messenger. No, it’s not your slipper. Are there any more young women in this house?
Father. Look at my daughter. She has small feet. (підводить Попелюшку)
Messenger. Who is she?
Stepmother. She is a kitchen-maid.
Sister1 Her clothes look like dirty diapers.
Sister2 Her face looks like a bucket of mud.
Sisters(разом) And she didn’t go to the ball!
Messenger. She must try on the slipper. It’s the King’s order!
(Попелюшка примірює туфельку, й та їй підходить. З карману дівчина виймає ще одну і надягає на другу ногу)
Messenger. Oh, I have found the girl!(Появляється фея,торкається голови Попелюшки чарівною паличкою,й вбрання дівчини знову стає святковим).
Sister1 Oh, you were that wonderful lady! Cinderella, please, pardon me!..
Sister2 And me…
Stepmother And me…
Fairy. The Prince is waiting for you, my dear. Best wishes to you. Be happy.
Narrator. The Prince was happy to see Cinderella. They were married and lived to the end of their lives. (Звучить вальс Мендельсона)
По закінченні вистави всі актори виходять,кланяються глядачам,після чого виконують фінальну пісню. (Пісня Абби «Мама Міа»)
I’ve been cheated by you since I don’t know when
So I made up my mind, it must come to an end
Look at me now, will I ever learn?
I don’t know how but I suddenly lose control
There’s a fire within my soul
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
One more look and I forget everything, w-o-o-o-oh
Mamma mia, here I go again
My my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again?
My my,just how much I’ve missed you
Yes, I’ve been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why, why did I ever let you go?
Mamma mia, now I really know,
My my, I could never let you go…

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